In Love

Artist: Eliza Bono
Dimensions: 50 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm
Weight: 10 kg
Price: 2290 Euro
Edition Size: 1
Material: clay, painted with oil paints

To fall in love – how does it feel?

I think that everyone has felt it at least once.

And what emotions accompany this state?

Gentleness, spontaneity, joy, bliss, longing, trust, courage, lightness, endless energy, creativity, openness and many others depending on the person, but one thing is certain, they are all positive.

A symbol of falling in love are butterflies. I think it is because they include some kind of magic, lightness, joy, breathtaking beauty, being volatile, and unpredictability.

This is my new project:

In love – a sculpture of clay

My sweet horse covered with butterflies.

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